Irish Film Institute -IFI Schedule to be announced weekly

IFI Schedule to be announced weekly

To add a greater degree of flexibility to the it’s outstanding cinema programme, the IFI will be announcing the screening times of its new releases and IFI Classics re-releases on a weekly basis from now on.

IFI Director Ross Keane said ‘In the past few months we’ve been responding to the feedback that we gathered from our members and the general public during an extensive market research campaign that formed part of the development of the new IFI Strategy 2013-16. Many expressed a desire for greater flexibility in our scheduling and for us to extend the amount of time that we show some of our films. For example, a film that’s being screened exclusively at the IFI and proving very popular can often disappear for our audiences before they’ve had a chance to see it because we’ve had to set a closing date for the IFI programme weeks before it ever opened. From now on, we will not pre-determine the closing date of our new releases as we previously would have done. This change won’t mean less films at the IFI; it will simply mean that we can respond to what the IFI audiences really want to see.’

The following week’s cinema schedule, running from Friday-Thursday, will now be announced every Monday afternoon. The public can see the times by checking the IFI’s website or consulting the IFI’s new full-week listings advertisements in The Irish Times on Friday and Saturday. The weekly calendar will also feature in the IFI Film Shot, its weekly email newsletter.

There’ll still be a monthly IFI Programme with the release dates and programme notes for all upcoming titles as well as details and times of other screenings including seasons, festivals and regular programming strands such as Monthly Must-See, Ireland on Sunday and IFI Family.

To find out more about the IFI and to see what’s on, visit

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by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland