Irish Film Institute -We Ourselves

We Ourselves

Director: Paul Mercier

We Ourselves is a formally unconventional film dealing with the lives of a group of seven friends over a period of more than two decades. In consecutive monologues, the film tells the story of Irish characters who worked together in a factory in Germany before separating to develop their individual lives and careers as teachers, actors, lawyers, computer programmers and civil servants. This is an intimate drama about identity, love and loss told from the perspective of people who value their friendships and their Irishness but who ultimately feel isolated and in exile.

Written and directed by Paul Mercier (Pursuit, Studs) the film creates a generous space for the acting talents of new and established actors including Caitríona Ennis, Gavin Drea, Seána Kerslake, Paul Reid, Catherine Walker, Aidan Gillen and Declan Conlon.

Notes by Sunniva O’Flynn

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