In the first decades of cinema, serial films such as The Perils Of Pauline (1914), Fantômas (1913-14), and Les Vampires (1915-16) kept audiences returning week after week, eager to see the resolution of the previous episode’s cliffhanger. Later, the form brought heroes such as Flash Gordon and Superman to the big screen for the first time. After serials fell out of favour, the idea of a continuous story with recurring characters was co-opted into the franchise format that currently holds sway. Now, the IFI resurrects the idea with weekly franchise screenings, beginning with the peerless Indiana Jones saga, directly inspired by those classic serials.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade screens on July 13th at 11am.
Screening as part of The Saturday Serial. Enjoy all films for €30 from IFI Box Office, available in-person or over the phone on 01 679 3477.
Notes by Kevin Coyne