Irish Film Institute -ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS



121 minutes, U.S.A., 1939, Black and White, D-Cinema

 This film was released on Friday 15th May 2015 and is no longer screening. 


Geoff Carter is a hardened pilot managing a ragbag collection of fatalistic flyboys in a neglected landing strip somewhere on the South American coast. The aviators risk their lives flying mail from their isolated port town through treacherous passes high in the Andes and frequently turn to hard liquor to steady their nerves. When nightclub pianist Bonnie Lee is passing through town, her head is turned by the daring of the fliers, and particularly by Geoff. She sets her sights on her man though the arrival of another notorious pilot, who shows up with one of Geoff’s old flames on his arms, serves to complicate matters.

Newly restored and reissued for the first time in Ireland since its original release in 1939, Only Angels Have Wings is a perfect example of Howard Hawks’ breathless brilliance and features an all-star cast of Cary Grant, Jean Arthur and Rita Hayworth, in her first major role. (Notes by Michael Hayden.)

Only Angels Have Wings will be one of the films discussed by our panel at The Critical Take, on May 25th at 18.30.

Don’t forget we now schedule weekly.

★★★★★ The Independent ★★★★ The Guardian

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