Irish Film Institute -Agnes Browne

Agnes Browne

Director: Anjelica Huston

Based on Brendan O’Carroll’s novel The Mammy, and set in 1960’s Dublin, this film traces the life of Agnes Browne, a Moore Street trader, who is left with seven children following the untimely death of her husband. Despite her straitened circumstances, Agnes has a natural optimism and a fierce determination to keep the family strong and united. Romance enters her life in the guise of Pierre, a local French baker and this, together with Agnes’s obsession with the singer Tom Jones, makes for an intriguing story.
Youth Audience Award, San Sebastian 1998
DIRECTOR Anjelica Huston
PRODUCERS Jim Sheridan, Arthur Lappin, Greg Smith,
Anjelica Huston
CAST Anjelica Huston, Marion O’Dwyer, Arno Chevrier, Ray Winstone, Tom Jones
RUNNING TIME 91 minutes

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