Irish Film Institute -The IFI seeks to appoint Head of Fundraising

The IFI seeks to appoint Head of Fundraising

As part of the Arts Council initiative RAISE, the IFI is seeking to appoint a new Head of Fundraising to join its management team for a two year contract.

The Head of Fundraising is a new strategic post which will play a key role in focusing and developing strategic fundraising and generating high level donations, in particular through major gift strategies, patron scheme trusts and foundations, and other grant applications.

The Head of Fundraising will be responsible for:

  • undertaking a senior strategic role within the IFI and taking an active role in the Management Team, ensuring that its fundraising strategy feeds into the general strategy and operational activities of the institute
  • developing and implementing a high level fundraising strategy in tandem with the RAISE programme
  • delivering and achieving the agreed overall fundraising targets in accordance with the institute’s annual and longer term budgets
  • researching, drafting and undertaking applications to trusts and foundations and applications for public funding, and drafting reports to such organisations, in consultation with the Director
  • major gift relationship building, having links with and introducing new major donors and developing long-term relationships with major donors
  • researching and identifying potential new sources of funding including both new research and using contacts and existing networks to make connections for corporate and private fundraising
  • writing high-quality persuasive copy for fundraising and appeal materials;, developing event strategies for the on-going development and engagement of relationships with key supporters
  • implementing and progressing the IFI’s legacy strategy
  • developing innovative fundraising initiatives that identify and maximise new opportunities and creating sustainable additional income streams over the long-term;
  • devising and implementing a strategy for introducing new patrons and maintaining the support of existing patrons;
  • working with the Board and sub-committees to devise and implement a strategy for increasing the number of supporters and engaging proactively with current supporters;
  • being involved with fundraising events as required
  • monitoring fundraising performance against targets on a monthly basis/period end basis, providing management information as required, ensuring that fundraising activities are constantly reviewed, tested, assessed and improved;
  • developing appropriate systems for fundraising administration, ensuring that a donor database is maintained and fit for purpose and that all potential donations are appropriately acknowledged, managed, planned, co-ordinated and monitored from notification through to completion
  • attending Senior Management meetings, departmental and Board and other meetings, and reporting to such meetings, as requested
  • carrying out any other reasonable duties as requested by the Director
  • maintaining high levels of discretion and confidentiality at all times

Download full job description and application process here

The closing date for applications is 7th December 2012.


The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland