One new release arrives at the Irish Film Institute on Friday the 23rd of August 2019: Pain and Glory.
Read on for a selection of reviews or pop in to make up your own mind!
“All this customary excellence is in the service of a story that, though drenched in the sourness of mortality, allows in cautious optimism about the human condition. Pedro isn’t giving up.”
5/5 – Irish Times
4/5 – RTÉ
“This is not the first time Almodovar’s life has intruded on his work, but Pain And Glory is his most intensely personal film to date. It’s also movingly elegiac.”
4/5 – Irish Independent
“Pain and Glory, the filmmaker’s best and most personal movie in years, brings him back to mortal terrain.”
“Everything about Pain and Glory is awake and alive, and Almodóvar’s nerve endings become ours, too.”
Time Magazine
“A mature work of meticulously tuned meta-fiction…”
The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council