This film screened on 9th December 2018.
Jarosław Konopka’s The Escape uses puppets to depict the horrors of World War II. Karina Paciorkowska’s You Are Overreacting examines the effects of media activities on women. Eatself is Edyta Adamczak’s portrayal of the meat industry. Paulina Ziółkowska’s Bless You! studies personal interactions through contagious illness. Betina Bożek’s Oh, God! takes apathy to surreal conclusions. Marta Pajek’s III was the only animation selected for the Short Film Palme d’Or at Cannes 2018. In Beside Oneself, Karolina Specht interrogates the conflict between our perception of others and their reality. Wiola Sowa’s XOXO – Hugs And Kisses depicts how an erotic bond might not signify an emotional relationship. Marta Magnuska’s The Other sees a crowd’s excitement at the arrival of a stranger quickly turn to anxiety.
Please note that only persons 18 years and over will be admitted to this screening.