Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Film Listing

IFI Documentary Festival: I AM NOT ALONE

    • Director

      Garin Hovannisian

  • Category


From Monday September 6th, in line with government guidelines, all patrons must show proof of vaccination upon entering the cinema screen. In 2018, journalist, politician and activist Nikol Pashinyan announced that he was beginning a walk across Armenia to inspire a velvet revolution and topple the corrupt regime that enjoys absolute power in the post-Soviet nation. With total access to all the key players, Garin Hovannisian’s gripping documentary follows Pashinyan’s efforts to prevent the election of the country’s president, Serzh Sargsyan, as the new prime minister, a move that would make Sargsyan a de facto dictator. Within a few weeks, the country erupts in a spectacular revolution, as millions take to the streets to stage some of the most creative, powerful, and surprising acts of civil disobedience in modern history.

The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland