Irish Film Institute -International Film Directory – Film Listing

IFI Documentary Festival: ALL LIGHT, EVERYWHERE

    • Director

      Theo Anthony

  • Category


From Monday September 6th, in line with government guidelines, all patrons must show proof of vaccination upon entering the cinema screen. All Light, Everywhere explores the personal and philosophical relationships between cameras and weaponry. Using the rise of police body cameras as a point of departure, director Theo Anthony creates a kaleidoscopic portrait of the shared history of cameras, weapons, policing, and justice. As surveillance technologies become a fixture in everyday life, the film interrogates the complexity of an objective point of view, probing the biases inherent in both human perception and the lens. Moving from the 19th century, when photography was a nascent art, to the headquarters of Axon, who have a near monopoly on police body cameras in the US, Anthony charts the long relationship between photography and violence.

The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council

Arts Council of Ireland