Director: Martin Scorsese
108 mins, USA, 1982, Digital

Despite the success of Raging Bull (1980), and the general esteem in which the director is held, Martin Scorsese’s 1980s output has arguably never received its due consideration. Certainly, After Hours (1985) and The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) can be held alongside his best and most personal work, as can this magnificent piece of work, comedy in its darkest form. Robert De Niro plays aspiring stand-up comedian Rupert Pupkin, frustrated and delusional, whose obsession with talk-show host Jerry Langford (Jerry Lewis, more than holding his own in such lofty company) leads him to join with fellow Langford obsessive Marsha (the wonderful Sandra Bernhard) to kidnap the host.
The screening will be introduced by creative consultant Anthony Remedy.