Director: Jason Motlagh & Mark Oltmanns
101 mins, Afghanistan-Austria, 2023, Digital

Irish Premiere
When US forces leave Afghanistan, ending the longest war in US history, the Taliban gain ground. Against this tumultuous backdrop, Khaiber Akbarzada is on the verge of becoming the country’s greatest player of Buzkashi, the national sport where horse riders battle for possession of a headless goat. Forced into hiding, the young horseman must make a life-altering choice to avoid the fate of his uncle, a legendary Buzkashi player who was assassinated during the civil war. Riders on the Storm captures a pivotal moment in Afghan history and offers a rare and visceral look at a ruthless sports culture where champions become marked men.
Followed by a Q&A with director Jason Motlagh, hosted by Kim Bartley.
Notes by David O’Mahony