IFI Press Release: February 24th, 2016
The Irish Film Institute launches a new initiative to provide audio description and open captioning for selected screenings from March 4th.
The IFI will be providing accessible screenings for audiences with hearing and visual impairments, with the addition of audio description and open captioning for selected screenings, in a continued commitment to providing access to all audiences. The first films to include Open Captions will be Ben Wheatley’s visually striking High-Rise on March 21st at 6.15pm and March 29th at 4pm, and John Carney’s hilarious, warm-hearted musical Sing Street which will also have two Open Caption screenings on March 23rd at 4.10pm and March 30th at 6.30pm. All screenings of the Coen brothers’ screwball comedy Hail, Caesar! will be fully available with Audio Description from its release on March 4th followed by Sing Street and High-Rise, both released on March 18th.
This project is kindly supported by the Arts Council, in partnership with Arts & Disability Ireland.
For more information on accessible screenings at the Irish Film Institute see www.ifi.ie/accessible, or email Michelle McDonagh at mmcdonagh@irishfilm.ie
The IFI is supported
by The Arts Council