Irish Film Institute -DFFF: DARKNESS


Director: Emanuela Rossi

97 mins, Italy, 2019, Digital

This film is F-rated.

Stella, a seventeen-year-old girl, lives with her father and two younger sisters, Luce and Aria, in a house in an isolated area, with heavy wooden barred windows. Her father is the only one who is able to go outside, because outside all is apocalyptical. But something about the father’s and Stella’s story doesn’t quite add up. Darkness is a film about girls who question the stories they’ve been told. It’s also a film made before the pandemic that eerily captures the experience of being confined to the home, of anxiety when venturing outside, and of everyday life changing completely.

Screening exclusively online on IFI@Home as part of the Dublin Feminist Film Festival 2021, August 20th-22nd.

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