Irish Film Institute -Venuz Boys

Venuz Boys

Winner of the Critics’ Week Award at last year’s Locarno Film Festival, this stunning documentary charts director Gabriel Baur’s journey ‘in search of the women who live in between, and also of the men they become, be it for a night or a lifetime.’ Exploring the universe of female masculinity in New York and London’s Drag King scene, Baur meets some of the ‘stars’: Shelly Mars, Diane Torr, Dred Gerestant and London-based filmmaker Del La Grace Volcano (whose beautiful photographs of this scene were used in Sex in the City). Interviews with lesbian, bisexual and transgender Drag Kings are interspersed with witty and thought-provoking performances, which both explore and parody male sexuality and power. Among the vivid personalities featured is Storme Webber, transgender artist, poet and performer, whose stories reveal how invisible black transgender and queer family histories have been.
Switzerland-U.S.A., 2001. Filmed in English. Colour. Dolby stereo SR. 102 mins.

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