Irish Film Institute -Uncle Jack, The

Uncle Jack, The

Director: John T. Davis/Se Merry Doyle

(1996. Colour. Dolby stereo SR. 80 mins.)

John T. Davis is one of Ireland’s most creative documentary filmmakers and a skilled cinematographer. The Uncle Jack is a cinematic self portrait by the filmmaker, dedicated to the cinema architect John McBride Neill, his uncle Jack, who unwittingly gave him his means of expression. With the advent of television, Jack retreated into a world of obsessive hobbies and his only regular companion was the young John T. Davis. Using a rich variety of artefacts—archive film, home movies, photographs— this exquisitely crafted film explores the power of unshakeable obsession and the circular motion of generations. The screening will be introduced by the film’s co-writer and editor, Se Merry Doyle.
The admission price to Irish Film Archive screenings is €4.

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