Irish Film Institute -THE MIRACLE OF LEIPZIG


Director: Sebastian Dehnhardt / Matthias Schmidt

90 minutes| Germany| 2009| Subtitled| Colour| Digital Video

This autumn marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and it all started in Leipzig, as retold in this award-winning docudrama which reconstructs the events of October 1989. What began as prayers for peace in Leipzig in September at St. Nicholas’ church developed within just a few weeks into the immensely powerful Monday demonstrations, where citizens called for more freedom, reforms and free elections in the German Democratic Republic. Over 10,000 armed policemen were assembled, facing down 70,000 citizens. This revolution very nearly ended in catastrophe before, all of a sudden, the police backed down without firing a single shot.

Eyewitnesses from both sides of the conflict, along with the ordinary citizens of Leipzig, explain how they experienced these decisive weeks. This is the story of nameless individuals whose courage changed the world and marked the beginning of the end of the entire Eastern Bloc.

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