Irish Film Institute -L’Homme de sa vie

L’Homme de sa vie

Director: Zabou Breitman

France / Italy. 2006. 114mins

Zabou Breitman’s bright, seductive second feature has so much going for it that it’s hard to know where to start. One could begin with the setting—sundappled days in the French countryside, or the film’s visual beauty from cinematographer Michel Amathieu which captures the dreamy pace of summer days in languorous tracking shots; or the beautifully written screenplay, alert, adult and audacious.
Frederic (Bernard Campan) is deeply in love with his wife, Frederique (Lea Drucker) when into his life appears a new neighbour Hugo (Charles Berling). So begins a finely inscribed depiction of a growing friendship between two men: one is happily married, monogamous and deeply settled in his ways; the other is a restless free-thinker who does not believe in love and moves freely between multiple relationships. Their long and intimate conversations punctuate lazy days and come to jeopardize the tranquil routine of a summer vacation, as heady emotions await release.

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