Irish Film Institute -INTERIORS


Director: Woody Allen

91 minutes| U.S.A.| 1978| Colour| 35mm

Interiors is a study of family breakdown that makes Woody Allen’s world suddenly seem less Chaplinesque than Chekhovian. Three sisters, of varying artistic accomplishment, clash when their parents separate and their father remarries. Devitalised intellectual lives are slyly satirised, but the film’s most striking features are its eloquent use of decor and location, and its rich characterisations.

Allen: ‘Interiors was not the usual kind of affair. So not only were people annoyed at me – their lovable comic figure – for having the pretension to try something like this. They felt there was a solemnity to it, which I like in films. And then, let’s not forget, this was the first time I did a drama, so my lack of skill and experience didn’t help me. I’m not saying that Interiors is any Shakespearean masterpiece, but people were not charitable. There were those who accused me of bad faith.’

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