Irish Film Institute -Born and Bred

Born and Bred

Director: Pablo Trapero

Argentina-Italy| 2006. Subtitled. Colour. Dolby Digital Stereo. 100 min

With Born and Bred, Argentine director Pablo Trapero displays the same knack for intimate storytelling that made his Rolling Family so moving, but Born and Bred is much darker. It taps into elemental emotions—fear of death, the terror of losing those we love most and the pain of that loss— while speaking in a language that is distinctive to its talented director. Stunningly photographed, expansive vistas make this film a powerful visual experience, while rich performances give it tremendous soul. Santiago (Guillermo Pfening) is an interior designer who runs a very successful business with his wife, Milli (Martina Gusman). They lead a seemingly charmed but predictable life with their daughter—until their tranquillity is shattered by a devastating accident. After the tragedy, Santiago relocates to the frozen, spectacularly immense landscape of Patagonia. The tempo and the geography of the film change entirely. Working at a tiny rural airport where random problems constantly delay flights, Santiago sleepwalks through his days. Despite his isolation, Santiago can’t exorcise the demons from his past. —Diana Sanchez.

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