Irish Film Institute -A Week in the Life of a Man

A Week in the Life of a Man

Adam Borowski (Jerzy Stuhr) is a middle-aged state prosecutor who is well established and respected. The film follows this pillar of society for seven days which turn out to be of crucial importance. Borowski is seen at work, singing in a male choir (his hobby and greatest passion) and spending time with the three women in his life: his sick mother, a wife who is involved in charity work, and a lover whom he decides to leave. Considered a noble man with an unblemished reputation, Borowski is revealed as someone who bends his own moral rules when he becomes entangled in a rape case involving a female journalist. One mistake can influence Borowski’s whole life and that mistake cannot be undone. What kind of man will Borowski become after these decisive seven days?

‘What a piece of work is man!’, a quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet that’s sung by Borowski’s choir in the film, could be considered the motto of this solid, well-mounted and nicely performed drama by writer-actor-director Jerzy Stuhr, which presents something of a state of the nation address on the ‘new reality’ of post-communist Poland.

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