This film screened 1st March 2016.
This witty and satirical look at 1950s Ireland, adapted from Louis D’Alton’s stage play, begins with a Black and Tans’ shooting. Years later, plans to erect a statue in honour of the dead soldier reveal some of the complexities of Irish history.
Dr. Ruth Barton will discuss how the film sends up the pieties of small town Ireland, and indicates a move to a more modern way of thinking. She will also look at the role of Abbey Films in visualising Ireland.
This event is taking place as part of the IFI Evening Course: Altered State (Tuesdays, Feb 23rd – Mar 29th 2016). Full course price: €70 (€65 concessions), including tea/coffee. Please book your place by calling Sharon Corrigan on 01 679 5744 or emailing scorrigan@irishfilm.ie (individual tickets for films on this course are not available.)