Irish Film Institute -Five Star Friday at the IFI

Five Star Friday at the IFI

Rave reviews (and glorious sunshine) for The Grand Budapest Hotel and for IFI Classic treats Rome, Open City and Wake in Fright

Wes Anderson’s dazzling The Grand Budapest Hotel featuring Ralph Feinnes in a wicked comic turn recieved five star reviews from The Independent, Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph and Donald Clarke in the The Irish Times who describes it as  ‘the best Wes Anderson film in a decade’ (read review)

IFI Classics re-release selection have met with the critics’ approval this week  with five star reviews in The Irish Times for both Roberto Rossellini’s Rome, Open City (Roma città aperta) (read review) and Ted Kotcheff’s ‘lost’-but-not-forgotten classic Wake in Fright about which Tara Brady in The Irish Times says ‘John Grant’s odyssey, for all its excess, forms a neatly symmetrical, perfectly Kafkaesque narrative’ (read review)

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